Greek & Roman Studies

Classical Association of Canada 2024 Annual Conference 

McMaster University’s Department of Greek and Roman Studies was well represented at the 2024 Classical Association of Canada (CAC) Annual Conference, which took place May 14-16, in Quebec City, at Université Laval. 


Papers were delivered by several members of the department: 


Claude Eilers, Associate Professor – “Titus’ autograph and the Bellum Judaicum as ‘propaganda’ (Jos. Vita 363)” 


Michele George – Professor Emerita – “The role of Diana in the commemoration of Roman girls and women” 


Emily Lamond, Assistant Professor – “The Problem of the Cosmetic in the Curule Aediles’ Edict” 


Kathryn Mattison – Associate Professor – “Human Suffering and Divine Will in Iphigenia among the Taurians” 


Mariapia Pietropaolo, Associate Professor – “Ventris erat pro ventre locus: Ovid’s Disembodied Embodiment of Hunger” 


Stephen Russell, Instructional Assistant – “(Doe, a deer, a female deer) – flexor, a muscle, a flexor muscle: the case for treating Latin appositional nouns in anatomy as adjectives” 


Marshall Zuckerman, PhD student – “Deflating the Myth of Deflation in the Social War” 


Members of the Department of Greek and Roman Studies attend the banquet celebration at the 2024 CAC conference.


Dr. Angela Hug (York University), who previously completed a post-doc at McMaster University under the supervision of Dr. Michele George, won the Mark Golden Book Award for her monograph, Fertility, Ideology, and the Cultural Politics of Reproduction at Rome (Brill 2023). This award is presented every two years at the conference to the best scholarly monograph published by a member of the CAC in the previous four years.


Dr. Angela Hug (left) received the Mark Golden Book Award at the 2024 CAC conference. She previously completed a post-doc with Dr. Michele George (right) at McMaster University.